Guide: Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide

The Cambridge Analytica data scandal has left a scar on Facebook’s image, so much so that every other web property owned by the social media giant is being scrutinized by the who’s who. Example: Instagram. Facebook recently added the Download your information link to give users control over their social media lives. Some media outlets asked Facebook to do the same for Instagram. Although there are apps available for both mobile and a computer that allows users to download Instagram photos, Instagram has now made it easier for everyone to do this directly from the website. Interesting fact: Instagram revealed on their blog in January that they now have 800 million users. Of these, 500 million are daily active users. That’s a lot of data there!

Download your Instagram data

The feature is currently only available on the website, so you must visit Instagram in your browser. Click on the Login link.

Log in to your account by entering your ID and password.

In the top right corner of your Instagram feeds screen, you will see three icons. The third, seems like a bald man, is your profile link. Click here.

Speaking of a bald man, if you don’t know the man in the screenshot above, you must live under a “Rock”! (sorry I just had to make that joke) Once on your profile page, you should see a gear icon next to Edit profile buttonClick on it.

You should now be a pop-upHere you can change your password, see which apps can access your account, change notification settings, check your privacy settings or log out. Click on Privacy and Security.

Scary fact: In August last year, millions of Instagram accounts were compromised, including those of famous celebrities such as Emma Watson. The contact details of these affected accounts were up up for grabs on the dark web! Sometimes I’m glad I’m not a celeb. It’s not all sunshine for them either. You should now see a ton of options, including account privacy and story sharing settings. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. The penultimate option is Data Download. There is a blue link entitled Request Download. Click here.

This is where Instagram will tell you what kind of data to expect here. I was only expecting my photos, videos and profile information. Instagram told me they are also keeping an eye on my comments. In fact, the disclaimer ended with the phrase “and more” that got me thinking. Hmmm. Also read: How to Recover Instagram Share to Facebook does not work Maybe they know where I eat, where all my friends are, where I travel, or what I like and don’t like. Location-based data makes it all easy. This is both interesting and scary. The data will be emailed to you at your registered email address, but you can choose to have it sent to a different ID. Instagram further told me it may take up up to 48 hours to collect this data and send it to me.

Click on the blue Next button after you are sure the email address is correct. You will now be asked to enter your password again. Do it and click on the blue button that says Request Download. Note: I noticed that here LastPass, my favorite password manager, was unable to automatically enter my password. I tried to ‘autofill’ it manually but it still didn’t work. I am not a coder, but I think it was done on purpose so that if someone gains access to your laptop, he / she will not be able to download your precious data and destroy your life! Good thought. Once you click on the blue button, Instagram assures you that they ‘have started creating a file’ and that you can expect an email within 48 hours.

You will also see a new link that says Go to feed. However, I couldn’t open it in a new tab! It immediately took me back to my homepage. I was expecting a link to a page that would explain to me in detail what kind of data they have on me. I can’t wait 48 hours, can I? I will update this post again when I get the zip file. I hope it’s not as bad as I think, but who am I kidding. Updating: I received the email, about 20 hours after posting the request, with a link to Instagram site. Except for the photos, all files are in .json format. They also have your search history, connections, contacts, settings and messages. Have fun downloading.

Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide”] In this guide, we told you about the Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide; please read all steps so that you understand Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the Down­load Insta­gram Data: Guide tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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