Guide: Fix ‘iTunes Is Wait­ing for Win­dows Update’ Issue

When I connect my iPhone to a PC, the last thing I want to see is a long error message. And that happened just a few days ago when the ‘iTunes is waiting for Windows Update to install the driver for this iPhone’ was shown up But unlike some of the other ridiculous-looking errors that iTunes throws out all the time, this one made sense. Easy said words, “iTunes is waiting for Windows Update …” translates to an outdated device driver for your iPhone. So, performing a Windows update will most likely fix the problem for you. But with iTunes, things are usually not that easy to fix. In my case, I went the extra mile to manually reinstall the drivers for my iPhone. Fortunately, it is nothing complicated and can be completed quite quickly. I’ve put together troubleshooting steps for both the desktop and Windows Store versions of iTunes, so try out the relevant solution for the version you are using accordingly.

1. Update Windows

Since applying the latest Windows updates is the action implied by the ‘iTunes is waiting for Windows Update …’ error, let’s start by doing just that. Disconnect your iPhone from your PC before proceeding. Step 1: Type ‘windows update’ in the search box on the taskbar, then click Open to start Windows Update.

Step 2: Click Check for updates. If newer updates are available, Windows Update will download and install them automatically. For some optional updates, you may need to click Install to start the installation process.

Restart your PC if prompted and launch iTunes. Plug in your iPhone and check if you still see the error message on iTunes. If you still do, read on. Note: If Windows Update cannot install the latest updates, see our Windows Update troubleshooting guide for possible solutions to get back on track.

2. Update iTunes

If updating Windows didn’t help you fix the problem, then you should consider updating iTunes. The latest versions contain a lot of bug fixes so it makes sense to continue that way.

iTunes Desktop version

Step 1: Type ‘apple software update’ in the search bar on the taskbar, then click OK. Apple Software Update starts and scans for new updates.

Step 2: If any updates are present, select them and click Install. Follow the rest of the onscreen instructions to update iTunes to the latest version.

While you’re at it, it’s also a good idea to install any additional updates (if available) for related Apple software like iCloud.

iTunes Windows Store version

Step 1: Open the Windows Store from the taskbar. Then click the ellipsis icon (three dots) in the top right corner of the Windows Store window, then click Downloads and updates.

Step 2: If any updates are available for iTunes, click the Download icon next to it.

After updating iTunes, don’t forget to check if the issue is resolved before proceeding.

3. Reinstall the drivers manually

If updating both Windows and iTunes didn’t fix the problem, it’s time to reinstall the drivers yourself. Before proceeding with the solution applicable to your iTunes version, please connect your iPhone to PC and exit iTunes if it starts automatically.

iTunes Desktop version

Step 1: Open the file explorer. Then copy and paste the following path into the address bar at the top of the File Explorer window and click OK: % ProgramFiles% Common FilesAppleMobile Device Support Drivers

Step 2: Right-click the usbaapl64.inf file (or the usbaapl.inf file if you are using a 32-bit version of iTunes) and then click Install. N.remark: Since there are multiple files of the same name in the folder, if you run into any confusion, right-click on a file and select Properties to identify the INF file extension. Remove your iPhone, restart your PC and reconnect your iPhone. Once iTunes has started, you probably won’t face the problem anymore.

iTunes Windows Store version

Step 1: Search for ‘device manager’ using the search bar on the taskbar and click Open.

S.point 2: Expand the option labeled Portable Devices. Right click on Apple iPhone and then click Remove device.

Apple iPhone disappears under Portable Devices section. Don’t worry – you will get it back! Exit the Device Manager. Step 3: Restart your computer. After the restart, unlock your iPhone to the desktop and close iTunes if it appears up automatically.

S.point 4: Restart Device Manager. Expand the section labeled Portable Devices again and you should see the Apple iPhone again below. I said it! Right click on it, but this time click Update Driver.

Step 5: Select ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’. Once the update process is complete (or if no new updates are available), click Close.

Remove your iPhone, restart your PC and reconnect your iPhone. You probably won’t see the error “iTunes is waiting for Windows Update …” again.

Wait for Catalina

Hopefully, you can connect your iPhone to your PC without any issues after using any of the solutions listed above. The error message “iTunes is waiting for Windows Update to install the driver for this iPhone” probably won’t appear up again. But that said, Apple needs to seriously look into splitting iTunes on Windows like it did on macOS Catalina. Otherwise, these ridiculously pointless issues will only turn out up way too often. iTunes is way too bloated to work properly. The next up Did you know you can listen to Apple Music without using iTunes? Watch how.

Fix ‘iTunes Is Wait­ing for Win­dows Update’ Issue: benefits


Final note

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