How to Add or Multiply Values with Paste Special in Excel – Guide
You can often copy and paste data into your spreadsheets. But did you know that you can use Excel’s Insert function to perform simple calculations? You can add, subtract, multiply or divide in few clicks with special folder in Excel. Maybe you have prices you want to increase or costs you want to decrease by a dollar amount. Or maybe you have inventory that you want to increase or decrease in quantity. Excel’s special insert operations allow you to quickly perform these types of calculations on a large number of cells at once. For each of the above calculations, open the Paste Special dialog in Excel. So you start by copying the data and then you select the cell or cells where you paste it. For base numbers, decimal places and currency, you can choose from All, Values, or Values and number formats in the Insert area of the window. Use the best option for your specific data and formatting. For the multiplication and division examples, we use numbers instead of coins. Here we want to quadruple the stock of our jackets because we received a delivery. We type the number 4 in a cell outside the dataset and copy it. Again, you may already have the data you need to copy elsewhere.
Access Paste Special in Excel
For each of the above calculations, you will open the Paste Special dialog in Excel. So, you start by copying the data and selecting the cell(s) you are pasting.
Then do one of the following to access Paste Special
Add, subtract, multiply or divide using special paste.
For basic numbers, decimals and currencies, you can choose from All, Values, or Values and Number Formats in the Paste section of the window. Use the best option for your specific data and formatting. Let’s look at a simple example of how each operation works.
Add and subtract with special paste
For this example, we want to add $100 to each value to accommodate the increase in the price of our jacket.
Multiply and divide with special folder.
Final note
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