However, ever wished to change wallpapers throughout the day, rather than just switching the same one from light to dark. Well, iOS offers a nifty way to change your iPhone wallpaper automatically whenever you want to with the help of the Shortcuts app. You’ll never get bored of looking at the same wallpaper again and won’t have to go to the effort of switching it manually. The following steps will show you how to use the Shortcuts app to automate changing the wallpaper on your iPhone. We have mentioned steps below to Automatically Change Wallpaper on iPhone.
Steps to Automatically Change Wallpaper on iPhone
Final Words
So here we conclude our article on how to Automatically Change Wallpaper on iPhone. Setting a wallpaper is a fantastic way to personalise and customize your iPhone, but when it was first released back in 2007, you could only change the background of your Lock Screen. With iOS 4, you can now customize the background of your home screen after four years of development.