How to Change App Icons in Big Sur Style Icons with Terminal – Guide
If you feel like me, that’s not good. So what to do about it? Do something about it Fortunately, instead of accepting it and getting angry, you can do something about it. Some developers took the time to design some pretty icons. Not only are they unique, but they also make your Dock and Launchpad look more seamless. There are many methods to change icons on a Mac. However, with a replacement as great as Big Sur, changing app icons manually can be tedious, so we’ll show you a better and faster method. We can even secure other methods to change app icons on macOS Big Sur. This technique takes some effort, but it’s completely free and will adjust almost any app icon to the new design.
How to Change app icons to Big Sur style icons
How to Change app icons with Terminal
Now that we now have the NodeJS set up in the best way, let’s start fixing the app icons.
Final note
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