How to Delete / Disable Telegram Account from Any Device – Guide

Telegram is a very old messaging platform, considered secure and far ahead of its time in terms of features. Many tech enthusiasts recommend using Telegram over WhatsApp, especially after updating their privacy policy and terms of service. But recently we have come across the fact that Telegram chats are not end-to-end encrypted. Users started turning to Whatsapp or other alternatives. And in case you decide to delete your Telegram account due to some of its security flaws, this is understandable. Self-Destruct is one of Telegram’s games features which automatically deactivates your account after a certain period of inactivity. By default, this period is set to six months, but you can change it to a shorter period, such as three months or even a month. There are several ways to delete your Telegram account. But one thing you should know beforehand is that you cannot recover your account after you delete it. All your important data like chats, groups, contact lists, etc. will also be permanently deleted. If you change your mind, you can reinstall the Telegram app, but you will have to create a new account from scratch.

How to Deactivate your Telegram account

By default, Telegram will delete your account after six months of inactivity. However, you can edit this setting and customize how long Telegram should wait before deleting your profile. In addition to six months, you can set it to one month, three months, or an entire year. You can find the self-destruct option in the settings of Telegram’s Android and iOS apps. In the app, tap the menu button with three bars in the upper left corner and select Settings. Then go to the Privacy & Security page and scroll until you reach the Delete my account section. Select If Away for input here and set the new inactivity period after which your account should self-destruct. You cannot temporarily deactivate your Telegram account. The only option you have is to leave your Telegram profile inactive. If that helps, you can uninstall Telegram apps from your computer and phone.

How to Delete your Telegram account

For those who can’t wait a month, Telegram allows you to immediately kill your account and data as well. The tool is not present in any of the native apps and is only accessible on the web. This works on the desktop as well as any mobile browser. To deactivate your Telegram account, go to the My Telegram web portal, enter your Telegram phone number using the international number format and click Next. A confirmation code will be sent to you via Telegram and not SMS, so make sure you can login to your Telegram account to retrieve the code.

Final note

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