How to Enable HDR Video Recording on iPhone – Guide
You may not have noticed, but modern Apple iPhone models are equipped with a very interesting and useful feature. feature, but many users are not aware of this and do not use it often: the ability to record HDR videos. The problem is that HDR clips often produce more vibrant colors and sharper images while consuming more storage space. Also, most people don’t have a proper monitor to watch HDR videos in optimal quality. For these reasons, Apple decided to disable HDR feature by default. If you want to disable HDR mode on your iPhone, it’s easy: go to Settings and disable HDR mode in the video recording option on iPhone. Storage space on iPhone is very important and when you record videos in HDR mode, it takes up a lot of space and iPhone is better for recording videos in HDR mode, but it takes up a lot of space and when you record videos in HDR mode, the internal storage may be full and iPhone is slow or sluggish or unresponsive. If you really want to use iPhone HDR video feature or just want to try it, here it is how to enable it. HDR (short for High Dynamic Range) is an award feature which allows for better color reproduction in any scene. When HDR is on, iPhone can capture a wider color spectrum and better balance the contrast between the darkest and lightest areas of the image. In addition, the iPhone’s HDR features also support Dolby Vision technology, which helps the target display make the most of additional image data.
How to enable HDR video recording on iPhone
Final note
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