In the gaming community, Apex Legends Season 15 is off to a scorching start. The new Vantage enhancement will undoubtedly spice up the gameplay even more. However, there have been a few problems with FPS drops and stuttering, as is the case with every adventure game. Players are frantically looking for solutions to all of it, yet it can occasionally become rather boring. As a result, it’s crucial to tackle these problems from a position of understanding. We mentioned below are the ways to Fix Apex Legends FPS Drop.

Ways to Fix Apex Legends FPS Drop

Meeting the Minimum/Recommended Requirements for Apex Legends

Prior to doing anything else in this guide, it is imperative that you confirm that your computer is even capable of running Apex Legends. Examine the requirements listed below to see if you meet them. To avoid such Low FPS problems, it’s critical to have a machine that satisfies both the minimum and some of the recommended system requirements.

Using the Right Graphics Card

Users frequently complain that Apex Legends uses their integrated Intel graphics card rather than a separate one like NVIDIA, AMD, EVGA, etc. To choose Apex Legends as your programme, navigate to the graphics card’s control panel on your computer, depending on your graphics card.

Optimization Tweaks for NVIDIA Users

Updating your Drivers

Additionally, it’s critical to regularly upgrade your graphics cards. Because they are not updated to the most recent drivers, outdated drivers can prevent your GPU from performing at its peak. You can obtain the most recent drivers by going to their websites and downloading them there, depending on the manufacturer of your GPU (NVIDIA, AMD, etc.).

Final Words

There seems to have been a significant decrease in frame rates on some PCs following a recent Apex Legends update. After applying the most recent patch, players have reported several FPS drops in the game. If you are trying to keep Apex Legends on your PC running at a smooth frame rate of 60FPS but are having trouble. We hope our article on “How to Fix Apex Legends FPS Drop” will surely help you to do so.

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