Imagine that you want to avoid having to shut down your computer while you are away in order to conserve power. After putting it in sleep or hibernation mode, you return to a blank or frozen screen. No matter which key you press, your computer won’t switch back on, and there’s a good chance that you’ll lose any unsaved data. You’ve come to the right page if your computer frequently gets stuck in Windows’ hibernate or sleep mode. All the potential solutions to this problem have been thoroughly discussed. We have mentioned steps below to Fix Windows Device Stuck in Hibernate or Sleep Mode
Ways to Fix Windows Device Stuck in Hibernate or Sleep Mode
Configure the Mouse and Keyboard Settings
Restore the Default Power Settings
Run the Built-In Troubleshooting Tools
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Fix a Windows Device Stuck in Hibernate or Sleep Mode. Users choose Windows 10’s powerful and well-liked operating system to Windows 11’s numerous problems. Some customers, however, have recently claimed that they sometimes become stuck in hibernation.