Because it provides some improved privacy and encryption protections as well as support for features for large group chats, Telegram is a well-known cross-platform messaging programme that is frequently utilized. Additionally, it has no affiliations with other social media networks, which some people may find more enticing. Versions of the software are available for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, making it cross-platform. The Telegram can also be accessed through a web browser. Privacy and security are important issues in today’s digital world. It is a well-known truth that the tech oligopolies collect user information in return for their free services and utilize it for commercial gain. Additionally, there have been some truly abhorrent data leaks that have shocked the world. Telegram is a great option for people who are concerned about and interested in their privacy because of this. Consider using Telegram if you want your conversations to be more private and secure. We mentioned below are the steps to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5.

Steps to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5

Use APT Package Manager

Step 1: Best of all, Telegram can be installed from Linux Mint’s default package repository, just like any other popular application. So the single command to get is:

Download Telegram for Linux Mint

Step 1: If you don’t want to install Telegram using APT package manager, you can download the latest binaries from the official website. You can easily get it using command terminal instead of visiting the official website. Step 2: Once the Telegram archive file is on your system, you can extract the folder containing the binaries and install it. Just use the tar command. Step 3: Then move the folder to a location where you won’t accidentally delete it. for example, Choose folder.

Install Telegram on Linux Mint 21 or LDME 5

We currently have a binary for this chat programme. Let’s do this to run Telegram as well as to make an application launcher shortcut for later quick launches. Step 1: switch to /opt Step 2: Run the binary Step 3: After running the application, close the application. Step 4: Then go to the application launcher, search for Telegram, and you’ll see a shortcut for the application you’ll run in the future.

Install Snap for Telegram

Telegram does not come with out-of-the-box snaps as a standard feature like Ubuntu systems do. You must manually install a package called Snapd from the pre-configured system repositories in order to utilize it. Step 1:  For LMDEs: Step 2:  By default, the Snapd package is disabled on Mint 21. To install, use the following command: Step 3: Then install Telegram using Snap sudo apt updatesudo apt install snapd Step 4: Restart Linux Mint to integrate properly installed applications using SNAP. ”

Use flat pack

Step 1: If you don’t want to use the above method, you can use Flatpak. However, like Snap, Flatpak is not present on the system by default. So you have to install it manually. Step 2: install telegram

Run Telegram on Mint

After completing the installation using any of the given methods, to run the app go to the Start menu, and from the Application launcher search for Telegram. As its icon appears click to run the same.

Update Telegram on Linux Mint 21 or LDME

Here we have shown four ways to install this online messaging application. Choose one depending on the method you used. Step 1: Them who used APTMore Just use the system update command. Step 2: Use telegram binary: The above command will run the Telegram updater to download and install the latest version available. Step 3: Use Snap Those who have installed this application according to the snap method can run: Step 4: Use Flatpak The last method discussed is Flatpak. If you choose Flatpak, update your application with the following command:

Uninstall or remove

If you don’t like the app or for some reason want to uninstall Telegram from Linux Mint 21 or LDME 5, follow this command: Step 1: For Apt methods: Step 2: For the binary method: Step 3: For Snap: Step 4: For flat pack:

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5. A Linux operating system (OS) variation called Linux Mint was created using the kernel architecture of the Linux-derived operating systems Ubuntu and Debian. It is open-source, community-driven, free, and generally regarded as being simple to maintain. It aims to be a cutting-edge, opulent, and cozy operating system that is both strong and simple to use. For use on desktop computers, Linux Mint is a free and open-source operating system. Millions of people use one of the most widely used desktop Linux distributions today.

How to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5 - 65How to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5 - 12How to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5 - 82How to install Telegram app on Linux Mint 21 Vanessa or LMDE 5 - 38