That makes utilizing a computer in the conventional sense for persons who are blind or partly sighted very difficult. Fortunately, many businesses are creating software with these individuals in mind. On its website, Microsoft suggests a number of screen readers, with JAWS and NVDA being among the most popular. We have mentioned steps below to use Windows 11 screen reader.
Steps to use Windows 11 screen reader
Method 01: Turning on the “Narrator” for Use by Using the Keyboard
Method 02: Turning on the “Narrator” for Use Through the Dock
Method 03: Turning on the “Narrator” for Use Through the Accessibility Menu
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to use Windows 11 screen reader. For a very long time, Windows Narrator has been a crucial accessibility tool. By reading the language on the screen, it aids users in navigating online pages, Windows applications, and more. Numerous accessibility features have seen substantial changes since Windows 11 was released. On Windows 11, new features provide Narrator additional power and customization options, including more lifelike voices.