How to watch Ad-Free Videos on YouTube – Guide

YouTube has been increasing the number of ads viewers watch on videos in recent years, all in an effort to get more people to subscribe to its YouTube Premium plan, which offers, among other benefits, a monthly fee. Remove all ads. If you’re a regular YouTube user, paying a few bucks a month to enjoy an ad-free experience is probably worth it, especially if you use the native YouTube app. Otherwise, you might be wondering if there’s any other way to reduce the flood of ads you see, saving you from having to subscribe. up to another subscription service. The most popular way to achieve this is by installing ad-blocking software and watching YouTube through a browser. There are many free ad blocking extensions available for popular web browsers that claim to be able to remove ads from YouTube videos, but not all of them work consistently, and some may even prevent YouTube videos from playing altogether. If you use Safari on a Mac or iPhone/iPad, however, there is an extension you can install that does more than just remove unwanted YouTube ads. Developed by Jenny Tan, vinegar is a Safari extension that replaces the entire native YouTube player with a minimal HTML playback interface, similar to the now-defunct YouTube5 Safari extension when Flash was still a thing.

How to watch videos without ads on youtube

Subscribe to YouTube Premium

YouTube fans have the option to subscribe to YouTube Premium to enjoy an ad-free experience when watching videos. Subscription only costs a few dollars a month and does not limit the number of videos you can watch on YouTube. Subscribers will also have access to Google Play Music. YouTube Premium might work phone and desktop computer.

Use ad blocking software to block ads on YouTube

Another option is to use ad blocking software to remove ads on YouTube. If you want to watch YouTube videos without ads on your phone, you should use mobile ad blocking software version. if your phone is based on Android, you must download Android compatible ad blocking software. If you have iOS phone, you must download iOS compatible ad blocking software. If you decide to use ad blocking software, you will not be able to use the native YouTube app. The reason is that the YouTube app is one of those apps that does not give permission for third-party certificates to be used for secure connections. Replacing the YouTube certificate with a third-party certificate is a crucial step that must be implemented by the ad-blocking program to unblock the ad. With the latest update on Android, the native YouTube app will not start if the third-party certificate is overwritten. The advantage of using a third-party app to watch YouTube videos is that you don’t need root access. The third-party app will work on most Android devices. The downside is that there is a risk that the developer may access your personal data, for example, the same happens in the native YouTube app, as you will need to give permission to access your data. It is dangerous to install an app by an unknown developer as you never know that the app was created to hack the user phone and steal important information. So, if you want to use a third-party app, check if it is popular and how many times it has been downloaded. If the app is downloaded many times, it means that it can be trusted and can be downloaded safely. Also, the third-party application is not updated regularly. The application may be unavailable at any time as it is provided free of charge.

Watch YouTube videos in a browser on your Phone

Another option is to watch YouTube videos on phone browser. Ad blockers cannot block ads in many browsers except Safari. The advantage of opening YouTube in Safari is that your template can be loaded with minimal inconvenience. If you want to keep the native app, just create a shortcut with a different icon that is not the same as the shortcut icon of the native app. In this way, you will be able to conveniently access the application from your home screen. If you use third party YouTube app, you can use ad blocking program like AdGuard to block ads on YouTube videos. In the third-party YouTube app, there is usually a pop-upup integrated. up blocker, but it usually doesn’t work properly when disabling ads on YouTube. Also, if you disable ads on YouTube, you may be able to show your own ads instead of monetizing the app. With AdGuard, you can disable all types of ads once and for all on YouTube and whatever browser page you are browsing. Get more details at If you still see the ad after enabling the ad-blocking software, go to your settings and check if it has been disabled or configured incorrectly. You must make sure that the site where you do not want to see the ads is not whitelisted.

Final note

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