Stop belly-aching about USB-C – Guide

The USB Type-C has been ridiculously called a junk fire, a hot mess, and even a cable to confuse them all, but it’s time to stop hurting your stomach. I say this as someone who described USB-C as building a house where all outlets are the same and can supply water, natural gas, electricity and milk. You just don’t know which outlet does what, nor what each cable/hose does – how can it go wrong? But after years of complaining, I’ve now decided it’s time to step back and really appreciate the incredible achievement of USB-C. After all, if I told you no final 2014 that a bunch of enemy and for-profit companies that like to nudge each other to laugh would come together and create a universal connector that would launch on a 50-foot wall to hordes of manufacturers eliminating everything from $5,000 laptops to $5 cables and make it all work, you’d probably tell me I’m crazy. I’m sure my bookmaker would have given 100 to 1 chances to fail. However, here :updated, I can charge my laptop with a tiny $30 replacement charger, then turn around and use the same $13 USB-C cable you were charging with to copy data from a high-speed SSD to my PC and even use it. it to run my portable USB-C monitor too. (Our guide for the best USB-C cables can help you choose the perfect one for your needs.)

A solid USB-C cable for charging and data transfer

MSRP: $18.99 Today, I can charge everything from a phone at 15 watts for one laptop to 100 watts, all with a single cable. Very soon, with the longer range chargers and cables, a USB-C cable and charger will be able to reach up at 240 watts, which means most games laptops can finally get rid of those proprietary DC In / barrel chargers too. Will it happen without hindrance? No, I’m sure too many poorly designed chargers, cables and hardware will cause the same violent and explosive headlines as before, as when people originally made USB-C to USB-A cables that could break their laptop’Sports. In fact, I’m sure more USB4 hardware (actually there’s no space in the name, so you can complain about that too) keeps coming up and people learn that there are things like USB4 Gen 3×2 mode (40Gbps using two lanes) 20 Gbps) and optional alternate Thunderbolt modes, people will continue to pound their fists on the tables in confusion and anger. No doubt I will do the same, as the esoteric complexities of USB4 and USB-C will continue to be learned in the coming months.

Final note

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